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Walking Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy

Walking Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy

Walking has a number of known benefits, especially for seniors. These benefits include strengthening the muscles, improving balance, preventing weight gain, and even lowering the risk of age-related diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Since walking is a popular activity for seniors, it’s high time your senior parents start taking walks for exercise too. Here are some tips to follow to get them to start walking:

  • Have a walking buddy.
    It doesn’t matter who, but let your senior parent have a walking buddy – a member of the family, the caregiver from a home health services agency in Missouri, or even another senior in the neighborhood. Having a walking buddy encourages the senior to walk one step more, after all.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
    A good pair of walking shoes can make or break your senior parent’s motivation to walk. So, buy them a pair of comfortable shoes!
  • Walking aids shouldn’t be a hindrance.
    Is your senior parent using walkers or canes? Do they need the assistance of caregivers who are experts at skilled nursing in St. Charles, Missouri just to walk from one point to another? Don’t let seniors think of these walking aids as hindrances. Instead, let them think of these items as support.
  • Keep the right pace.
    Some seniors walk slow, while others walk fast. Ensure that the walking pace is at a level that the senior can cope with.

Active Angels In Home Health Care, LLC is here to provide quality home health care in Ferguson, Missouri. If your senior parents need health care, do send us a message so we can discuss and start an assessment.

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