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Why Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Requires Home Health Care

Alzheimer’s Disease is a degenerative brain disorder. The symptoms are expected to worsen as the disease progresses. There’s no way to stop the growing damage to the brain, only slow it down. When the disease enters its late stage, the patient in question will need the assistance of a home health services agency in Missouri.

Late-stage AD manifests very severe symptoms that are very crippling for the patient. This is due to the extent of brain damage that they’ve sustained so far. These symptoms necessitate 24-hour, 7-day committed home health care to continually improve their quality of life.

For instance, the patient experiences difficulty in swallowing food or drink. They may lose interest in eating altogether because of this. A caregiver needs to be on hand all the time to remind them of mealtimes. The caregiver may also be required to feed the patient themselves and manage servings to keep the person well-fed.

The extent of brain damage could also mean mobility problems. Although AD manifests mostly as cognitive damage, the spread of the disease could also impair motor ability. It may not be noticeable in the early or middle stage of AD, but it is very pronounced during the final stage of Alzheimer’s. Thus, the patient will need assistance when walking.

These same mobility problems make these elderly people at risk for developing respiratory infections like pneumonia. Skilled nursing in St. Charles, Missouri, can help reduce that risk and assist in care when infection develops in the patient.

Late-stage Alzheimer’s Disease requires compassionate care from certified experts in home health care in Ferguson, Missouri, like Active Angels in Home Health Care. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line now! Let us know how we can assist you.

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